Seven (Se7en) is a 1995 crime thriller, directed by David Fincher and written by Andrew Kevin Walker. The film follows two homicide detectives, a soon-to-retire veteran (Morgan Freeman) and his replacement (Brad Pitt), investigating a series of ritual murders inspired by the seven deadly sins. From start to finish, the characters’ interactions as well as the film’s bleak atmosphere and dynamics keep us on the edges of our seats, waiting to see who will win this time – the crime or the punishment.
Nowadays, along with Jonathan Demme’s The Silence of the Lambs, the brilliant thriller Se7en is considered to be the best film on serial killers and one of the best films in the 1990s cinematography. Loved by both the critics and audiences alike, it has deservedly gained its cult status. Moreover, this dark, disturbing, and perfectly directed thriller has ensured eternal glory for Fincher, at the same time confirming that Brad Pitt is a great actor, Morgan Freeman one of the most charismatic Hollywood faces, and Kevin Spacey the best that the acting world has to offer. Oh, and the question “What’s in the box?” has taken on an entirely different dimension since Seven.
Andrew David Leo Fincher (born August 28, 1962) is an American director of films and music videos, known in particular for his dark and stylish thrillers. His body of work includes many of the fan favorites. He was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Director for his romantic drama The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) and The Social Network (2010), which won him a Golden Globe and a BAFTA for best direction. His name is also linked to Seven (1995), Fight Club (1999) and Gone Girl (2014), as well as mystery thrillers Zodiac (2007) and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011).