Vrtoglavica je klasični psihološki triler iz 1958. u režiji Alfreda Hitchcocka, nastao kao više nego uspješna adaptacija francuskog romana D’entre les morts. Bivši policajac koji pati od intenzivnog straha od visina zapošljava se kako bi spriječio suprugu starog prijatelja da počini samoubojstvo, osnova je radnje – ali to nije sve. Ovo Hitchcockovo nemilosrdno, primamljivo remek-djelo nudi jedinstven uvid u redateljeve vlastite sklonosti i smatra se jednim od njegovih glavnih djela.
Vrtoglavica (Vertigo, 1958.) po mnogima najbolji film u povijesti kinematografije i ikonografsko remek-djela majstora napetosti i drame Alfreda Hitchcocka s nezaboravnim glumačkim ostvarenjima platinaste Kim Novak i holivudske legende Jamesa Stewarta. Klasik svih klasika i remek-djelo suspensa, drame i filmskog kolorita doživite u punoj dimenziji ne velikom platnu na otvaranju 8. izdanja Fantastic Zagreba 28. lipnja!
Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock, a British film director and writer of crime and horror novels, is a master in the domain of the crime genre. Following many genre conventions, Hitchcock surpassed the standards that satisfy audiences in his thrillers, simultaneously achieving popularity comparable to that of movie stars. He became a cult director and was ranked among the greatest experimenters of film expression, hailed as an original stylist who is often quoted and imitated. The precision of framing in his works was brought to perfection. The characteristics of his films include a penchant for editing or camera movements, black humor, irony and cynicism, tension and shock, the interplay of comedic and tragic elements, as well as an attractive, thrilling, and gripping plot as a mask for deeper, intellectual foundations of his works.