Two sisters and a brother return to their childhood home where their parents were (supposedly) murdered. The plan is to sell the family estate located in the middle of a forest, but upon arriving at the house, painful memories begin to resurface, and a supernatural force that awakens starts reviving dark traumas from their childhood. The truth about what happened to their family will turn into a horrifying reality that will literally change their lives forever.
“Ne čuješ li to kuc… kuc… kuckanje iz dubine šume?” Inspirirani folk legendama i mitovima autori klasični filmski narativ o duhovima i ukletoj kući koriste kao temelj za kompleksniju priču i poruku. Film koristi elemente horora, suspensa i nadnaravnog kako bi, kroz brutalnu priču i prijeteću atmosferu, prenio ekološku poruku, a neočekivani obrat u završnici filma šokirat će baš svakog gledatelja. A završna scena najjezovitija je noćna mora koju ćete dugo pamtiti!
Max Seeck is a Finnish writer, screenwriter, and director. His books, described as Nordic noir, are mysterious detective novels and crime stories with mystical elements, and they have been translated into 40 languages. While writing, he often imagines how the book would look as a film, and The Knocking is a great example of the transformation of written words into moving images.
Director and screenwriter Joonas Pajunen is known for films The Knocking (2022.), Aamu-TV (1997) and Viiden jälkeen (2019).